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Mission Statement

Mission statement--

Citizens for a Pro-life Society is a national activist organization, engaged nationwide as well as in local pro-life efforts, founded on Catholic principles of morality and social justice, dedicated to advocacy of the sanctity of human life, especially protection of the right to life of unborn children through the organization of public demonstrations, civil disobedience, pickets, educational programs, literature distribution, conferences, seminars, workshops and lectures as well as reaching out to mothers in crisis pregnancy and offering them material and spiritual aid.

Our mission is focused on confronting abortion with the purpose of exposing its injustice and ending its practice.

Our mission is focused on confronting abortion with the purpose of exposing its injustice and ending its practice.

Citizens for a Pro-Life Society is directed by Monica Migliorino Miller, Ph.D. Dr. Miller is an Associate professor of Theology and Religious Studies at Madonna University, Livonia, Michigan


Dr. Miller has authored many scholarly articles and books.  

Books by Monica Miller:
Articles by Monica Miller:
  •  "Twelve Ways"  (To Instantly Improve the Novus Ordo), July 2010
  • "Adopting Embryos" , National Catholic Register, March 2009
  • "The Authority of Women", Catholic Education Organization, June 1996.
  • "Human Sexuality and the Eucharist," Fidelity Magazine, May 1984.
  • "Artificial Insemination by Husband and the Dissolution of Covenantal Love," Fidelity Magazine, May 1985.
  • "Why Contraception is Evil," Homiletic and Pastoral Review, April 1987.
  • "Report From Rats Alley--Down and Out with the Unborn in Chicago and Milwaukee," Fidelity Magazine, July-August 1987.
  • "Severed Ties--How Abortion Dissolves Feminine Authority," Crisis Magazine, Nov. 1991.
  • "The Burial of the Aborted Unborn," Homiletic and Pastoral Review, August-Sept. 1989.
  • "The Authority of Women," This Rock Magazine, July-August 1996(available at ewtn.com/library).
  • "The Gender of the Holy Spirit," New Oxford Review, May 2003.
  • "The Meaning of Marital love," A Review of Crossing the Threshold of Love: A New Vision of Marraige in Light of John Paul II`s Anthropology, by Mary Shivanandan, New Oxford Review, December 2000.
  • "Columnist Distorts Catholic Views", USA Today in Letter to the editor, August 2006.
  • "Sacrilege on St. Patrick’s Day?", Renew America web site.
  • "Homosexuality and the Priesthood ", Op-Ed in the Detroit Free Press.
Samuel Reaches Out
Award winning photograph (1999) by Photojournalist, Michael Clancy.

©  1986 - 2024 Citizens for a Prolife Society