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Dear Friends-- On June 14th William Goodman and your CPLS Director Monica M. Miller were sentenced to a jail term by Judge Mark Barron as we dared to "violate" his unjust probation condition that we remain 500 feet from every abortion center in the United States. See the memo below that explains everything. WE ARE CURRENTLY IN THE OAKLAND COUNTY JAIL UNTIL, for Will, July 14 and July 29 for Monica. We offer our sufferings for the pro-life cause, especially that babies scheduled for abortion will be saved. You may write to us. See here link for rules:
The woman I talked out of an abortion while I was within the "prohibited" 500 feet of the Women's Center abortion center in Orchard Lake, MI. is doing really well!! Yes, a baby was indeed saved. We have been in touch with her twice since June 1st. PLEASE pray for her!!!!
Pray for us and God Bless you All-- Monica of CPLS

©  1986 - 2024 Citizens for a Prolife Society