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Over 1000 People attend
Funeral Rites for Aborted Babies

By Citizens for a Pro-Life Society Editors

Glorious—Moving—an Inspiration are words that only begin to describe the funeral rites held Saturday, November 20th for 17 victims of abortion—whose remains were pulled from the Womans Choice abortion clinic trash dumpster earlier this year.

From this:

To this:

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Womans Choice abortion clinic worker dumps garbage into dumpster where the remains of the 17 aborted babies were found. In a clash of two worlds--the aborted babies are now greeted by Bishop Boyea in the house of God.
Womans Choice Babies Funeral News 10 Report of Funeral

More than 1000 mourners packed St. Mary’s Cathedral in Lansing, MI as Bishop of Lansing, Earl Boyea presided at the funeral Mass with several other priests con- celebrating with him. An honor guard of 50 Knights of Columbus and seventeen children carrying roses were part of the opening procession as the small white coffin which held the remains of the aborted babies was brought to rest in front of the altar.

Immediately after Mass a funeral procession—two miles long, with a police escort, made its way through the streets of Lansing, past the State Capitol to nearby St. Joseph’s Cemetery. Several hundred people gathered at the gravesite as Bishop Boyea conducted the burial rite. This ceremony afforded the opportunity for anyone who suffered the loss of a child to place a red rose on the aborted babies’ coffin. Children assembled in a circle around a basket and helped release a white homing dove—which flew away as a sign of peace and hope. When the white infant coffin was lowered into the ground, children gathered all around and then, taking turns, they even helped shovel dirt into the grave. At last these 17 victims of abortion were laid to rest.

Most importantly--we must allow the silent voices of the abortion victims call us to re- double our efforts to end this national slaughter. If you want to become involved in pro-life work send an email to us at prolifesocietynow@gmail.com

Hover for caption. Click to enlarge.
Photos by Rich Mucha
CPLS would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the following individuals and groups who played a part in the discovery of the babies, the subsequent investigation, and the planning of the funeral rites for these victims of abortion.
  • Chris Veneklase--who retrieved the aborted babies from the trash
  • Most Reverend Earl Boyea, Bishop of Lansing
  • Rev. Msgr. Steven Raica, Chancellor, Diocese of Lansing
  • Rev. Bernard Reilly, Rector, St. Mary Cathedral
  • Rt. Rev. Lawrence Gosselin, St. Joseph Melkite Church
  • The Priests of the Diocese of Lansing
  • Deacon Michael Murray
  • Rita Thiron, Director, Office of Worship
  • Michael Diebold, Director of Communications
  • Paul Garriépy, Director of Cemeteries
  • The Borek-Jennings Funeral Home
  • Timothy Costigan, Organist
  • Brian Blum, Soloist
  • Ed Rivet, Right to Life of Michigan
  • Anne Mitzel, Steve Gendregske, Michael Miller, Mary Beth Valli
  • Ken Fettig, Mary Platte, Karen Schafer, Cecelia Tombelli
  • The Knights of Columbus
  • Justin Enfeld and Stephen McGee
  • State Senator Rick Jones
  • Detective Jeff McNeil
  • Captain Greg Crawford
  • Office of the Attorney General, State of Michigan
  • Eaton County Sheriff’s Office
  • Saginaw County Sheriff’s Department
  • Eaton County Prosecutor’s Office
  • Shared Pregnancy of Lansing
  • Al Kresta and Teresa Tomeo, Ave Maria Radio
  • Walter and Eileen Coleman
  • Eugenio Callejas
  • Sandra Hornyak Zacharias

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