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Religious Liberty to be Regulated
at the State Level

By Citizens for a Pro-Life Society Editors


Illinois House Bill 2354, the "Reproductive Health and Access Act" better known as "Illinois FOCA", will NOT be called for a vote April 3, 2009, the last day for the House to pass it.
All our hard work has paid off. The phone calls, letters, petitions and protests sent a message to our State Representatives.
For those of you just now reading about the attempt made in Illinois to recind the right of conscience of healthcare workers, read the brief article below.

HB 2354, the Reproductive Health and Access Act is the same as the Federal proposition but at the state level. HB 2354 is intended to take away the right of conscience of medical personnel in Illinois.

If you would like to tell your state representatives to vote NO on HB 2354 go to http://www.elections.il.gov/DistrictLocator/SelectSearchType.aspx?NavLink=1  to get their means of contact by entering your zip code.



Bishop Doran: “The Church in Illinois is under attack…”

Posted by John-Paul (March 18, 2009 at 5:05 pm)

Bishop DoranBishop Thomas G. Doran of the Diocese of Rockford has released a letter urging Catholics to act boldly to defeat HB 2354.

Bishop Doran Press Release

Cardinal Francis George, head of the Chicago Archdiocese and
President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

Cardinal Francis George"Freedom of personal conscience is basic to  freedom from government oppression.... No government should ever come between an individual and God." Cardinal Francis George

Mary-Louise Kurey, former Miss Wisconsin
and former Miss America finalist, Author and Speaker
Explains Why HB 2354 is so Dangerous for Illinois /h2>

    The Five Provisions of Illinois FOCA

  • Makes abortion on demand a fundamental right prohibiting any interference from the state

  • Nulifys the right of conscience of medical personnel

  • Expands taxpayer funding of abortion

  • Institutes sex education as early as kindergarten

  • Provides immunity for abortionist who harm women during an abortion procedure

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