Chris Smith

 Pro-life Champion, Congressman Chris Smith (R-NJ), Comments on NYT Lens Blog on Dr. Miller's Abortion Photos


"For the past 37 years, both my wife and I and millions of others have sought to bring clarity, concern and compassion to both victims of abortion–mother and child. Abortion is violence against children and it exploits women. Ultra sound imaging has shattered the myth that unborn children aren’t human and alive. All women and men of goodwill need to look beyond the cheap sophistry of choice and the euphemisms that cloak and conceal an act that poisons or dismembers children to death.

Abortion is a violation of fundamental human rights and the New York Times, notwithstanding its well known editorial view, deserves gratitude and praise for publishing photographs that underscore an inconvenient truth."
Congressman Chris Smith (R-NJ)

Congressman Smith's entry is on page 11 of the comment section beneath the article, "Behind the Scenes: Picturing Fetal Remains", by Damien Cave.

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